The brand new console Nintendo Switch has arrived. Here’s what is in the package.
Well, well. Our brand new Nintendo Switch just arrived and this our brief unpacking.
The Nintendo Switch comes with everything that you need to enjoy a good time with it. It’s like some other unpackers insinuated, that you need a special charging station to charge the joy-controls. Once they are snapped onto the side of the screen and hooked up to docking station, they charge as well. According to Nintendo a full charge should last for 20 hours of play.
The only thing missing in the box is a game. In the plain vanilla version Nintendo does not bundle the console with a game like it used to. Looking back the Wii was sold in a bundle with Wii Sports, which many non-gamers regarded as sufficient and never bought another game. The Wii U, that nobody really cared about, was – in the premium edition – bundled with Nintendo Worlds, but that really did not help getting it out there.

A kingdom for a horse: Link fights off a pesky Bokoblin in the most anticipated game for the Nintendo Switch.
Not adding a game can be interpreted as a show of force – this console does not need a bonus to sell – or just a sales move, because many, many people want to play the brillant looking «The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild». After never having played and therefore understood the whole fuss about Zelda, I must say that right after my first occasion to experience it hands-on at the Gamescom 2016, I was looking forward to playing it entirely. The review will follow at a later point.