2017 is the year of fighting game renaissance. Among the freshest iterations is the artistically beautiful Absolver by Sloclap Studios.
It may sound cheesy, but playing this fighting game comes close to the saying: “The journey is the destination”. The progression in this online title is so different as its art style. There are no bouncing breasts, that begin to sag with growing age of the female character. There are no testosterone hyped meat heads that spew wrestling wisdom. No neon. No bright colors. No pounding beats. In very many ways Absolver breaks with the traditional fighting games, that celebrate button mashing and weaving together combos.
Absolver is an unique fighting game
So stepping into this online universe, you need to empty your head like in true martial arts. Don’t think. Feel. Forget what you have learned in other cool games like Virtua Fighter, Tekken, Soulcalibur, Injustice etc. It will only get in your way. Sloclap’s approach requires a novel style of fighting. Your personal way, they promise. I honestly haven’t had the time to go so deep, but Absolver is on the top of my to do list. I want to find my way in this unique fighting game.
Absolver, Sloclap/Devolver, PC/PS4, 12+ years