Hellish: A balrog in Shadow of War.

Best games of 2017 – Middle-Earth: Shadow of War

After the success of Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor it was crystal clear, that Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment would punch out another Middle-Earth title based on their celebrated Nemesis system. The not very originally named “Shadow of War” sequel is a challenging, well constructed action-RPG with stunning visuals. Continue reading

Stop the sword in mid air is one of 28 mini-games in 1–2–Switch

Best games of 2017 – 1–2–Switch

1–2–Switch is not really a game, but rather a collection of small casual games for Nintendo’s hybrid console Switch. The true novelty of the compilation is, that most of the time the players have to look at each other and not at the screen. In other words: 1–2–Switch pretty much redefines “video games” and that’s a rather daring move once again coming from Japan’s oldest gaming company. Continue reading

The best games of 2017 – The X-mas Countdown

Gaming is – wow, that’s new – about games and not hardware. But 2017 was a rich year in both aspects. Nintendo’s Switch took everybody by surprise and delighted not only players, but third party software studios as well. Only few weeks ago Microsoft released Xbox One X, the world’s most powerful console. But while Nintendo had a smooth run with excellent titles over the last couple of months, Microsoft is seriously struggling – especially when it comes to exclusive titles. In the meantime Sony is reenforcing its position as market leader and has sold more than twice as many consoles than Microsoft.

Counting down with games

Today I will start the X-mas Countdown with the best games of 2017. This is a highly subjective list of games, that I had the opportunity of playing this year. There are plenty more games out there, that are surely sensational, but I didn’t have the privilege or the time so far to play them. So do come back. There will be a new game presented every day till the grande finale on December 24. Have fun! Continue reading

Was für ein Anblick – Frauenfiguren in Games


Frauenfiguren in Games wandeln sich von Sexobjekten zu dynamischen Akteurinnen und werden zunehmend realistischer. Game-Designer Chris Solarski erklärt, warum die Entwicklung in Richtung Fotorealismus oft ins «uncanny valley» führt. Und: Quantic Dreams CEO Guillaume de Fondaumière über «Detroit: Become Human» im Interview.

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