Tag Archives: Uncanny Valley

Fog and cloudy skies are part of Red Dead Redemption sophisticated lighting art.

«This level of quality is unprecedented in the open world genre»

Pierre-Yves Donzallaz studied at the University of Fribourg and finished with a B.A. in Computer Science and Information Management. He has been working on several titles of Rockstar Games as Principal Lighting Artist and Lead Level Artist. Here Pierre-Yves talks about his work on Rockstar’s recent masterpiece Red Dead Redemption 2, the importance of lighting, avoiding the uncanny valley and other challenges.

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Was für ein Anblick – Frauenfiguren in Games


Frauenfiguren in Games wandeln sich von Sexobjekten zu dynamischen Akteurinnen und werden zunehmend realistischer. Game-Designer Chris Solarski erklärt, warum die Entwicklung in Richtung Fotorealismus oft ins «uncanny valley» führt. Und: Quantic Dreams CEO Guillaume de Fondaumière über «Detroit: Become Human» im Interview.

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